What is the use of lactoferrin supplementation for baby?


Supplement the role of lactoferrin

01 Immunity

Breast milk contains lactoferrin, immunoglobulin and other active proteins, which promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and protect the body from infection.

Lactoferrin can also promote the normal development of the gastrointestinal tract and plays an important role in the body's immune and epidemic prevention system, so breastfed infants are not susceptible to various infectious diseases and maintain normal growth and development.

02 Antibacterial

Lactoferrin can bind iron, which reduces the absorption of iron by bacteria and affects the growth of bacteria.


Lactoferrin binds to the lipopolysaccharide in the bacterial wall, and its oxidized iron ions oxidize the bacteria by forming peroxides.

03 Anti-virus

Lactoferrin blocks virions from entering target cells, thus repelling virion-like lipoproteins.

04 Lactoferrin can treat children with recurrent respiratory infections.

05 In the treatment of anemia in premature infants, lactoferrin supplementation is more effective than iron supplementation.

06 Reduce the number of helicobacter pylori, an important cause of gastric ulcer.

In addition, lactoferrin is also suitable for

(1) Maternal, can improve resistance, can also promote iron absorption, prevent maternal anemia.

(2) Iron deficiency anemia can effectively promote iron absorption, enhance the effect of iron supplementation, and can also significantly alleviate the stimulation of iron on the intestine.

(3) People with low immunity can help establish, repair and improve the immune system and enhance disease resistance.


Lactoferrin is very important for babies and is an important component of breast milk. The high quality lactoferrin is added to the formula of Krelor milk powder to help babies' health.

Lactoferrin has non-specific defense effects of bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, regulating cytokines, and is also very helpful for the promotion of iron, which is a non-heme iron-binding glycoprotein, which will improve the situation of anemia in children, and the promotion of immunity in the later period is very good.

PS: Milk powder can not replace breast milk, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby in the early stage.
